Skin Health For Life
Skin health for life is not just improving your appearance, but actually restoring youthful, healthy skin. Skin Health is a lifestyle, requiring monthly maintenance and the right treatment for every skin type. That treatment is the HydraFacial.
The HydraFacial treatment merges soothing and invigorating spa therapies with advanced medical technology to achieve instant, lasting results.
- Works for all skin types;
- Has no downtime or discomfort;
- Targets specific skin concerns;
- Provides an alternative to invasive procedures.
Experience Vortex-Fusion
Each treatment uses a series of patented HydroPeel tips – Each one has multiple abrasive edges to exfoliate the skin several times each pass, achieving better, more even results.
The unique spiral design creates a vortex effect to easily dislodge and remove impurities while simultaneously introducing hydrating skin solutions and potent antioxidants.
“The HydraFacial is like receiving 3 treatments in one. It is extremely comfortable and will make your skin glow.”

The Process
Step 1: Cleansing and Exfoliation – Dead skin cells are removed to reveal healthy new skin.
Step 2: Acid Peel – This gentle peel helps loosen dirt and debris from pores without irritation.
Step 3: Extractions – Painless, automated extractions use vortex suction to clean out pores.
Step 4: Hydration – Antioxidants and Hyaluronic Acid are Vortex-Fused to nourish and protect.
Daily Essentials
The HydraFacial Daily Essentials are actually part of the treatment, maintaining and enhancing results through hydrating and nourishing antioxidants.
“The essentials products – will makes your skin care routine simple and easy, and you will continue to see results between treatments”
Your SKIN is the largest organ of your body
Every day, your skin is exposed to free radicals – unstable molecules like pollution, sun, and stress which damage the vital skin cells like collagen and elastin that keep you looking fresh and young.
One of the most damaging free radicals is the sun’s rays. UVA rays have the same strength, every day, all year long.
Antioxidants counteract free radical damage by trapping and containing them, preventing further damage to skin cells.
The HydraFacial utilizes some of the most powerful antioxidants to revitalize and protect your skin.