We have a small range of specialty products available. You can purchase any of these items at our clinic.

SRC 'Over The Bump' Pregnancy Shorts
Can’t stand for longer than 2 minutes? Having difficulty just walking around the house? Dealing with increased pressure and heaviness in your groin? Not to mention all of the stuff that no one warned you about like - low back pain, sciatic nerve pain, pelvic pain (SIJ, Symphysis Pubis pain) or vulval and varicose veins. Designed in consultation with an obstetrician for the ultimate in comfort and functionality SRC Pregnancy Shorts - Over the Bump are specifically designed to help you get back to enjoying your pregnancy.

SRC Pregnancy Shorts
Can’t stand for longer than 2 minutes? Having difficulty just walking around the house? Dealing with increased pressure and heaviness in your groin? Not to mention all of the stuff that no one warned you about like - low back pain, sciatic nerve pain, pelvic pain (SIJ, Symphysis Pubis pain) or vulval and varicose veins. Designed in consultation with an obstetrician for the ultimate in comfort and functionality SRC Pregnancy Shorts are specifically designed to help you get back to enjoying your pregnancy.

SRC Recovery Shorts
Improved mobility for mum when lifting, feeding, bathing and caring for baby. Gentle compression to caesarean or perineal wound areas to speed up wound recovery. Reduce patient's pain and provide back support. Enable and encourage the abdominal muscles to work resulting in strengthening of the area.

Qiara Pregnancy & Breastfeeding
As a mum, or mum to be, you understand that your gut health and microbiome influences your baby and may be impacted by factors including diet during pregnancy, medicines, birth mode and feeding choices. Qiara Pregnancy & Breastfeeding contains a probiotic strain, isolated from breastmilk, formulated for mums like you.