Dr Metawa and his experienced team are based in North Gosford, Australia. Dr Metawa’s practice is located at North Gosford Private Medical Centre.
Dr Metawa has extensive training experience to a subspecialty level in all aspects of gynaecology and obstetrics in Australia, New Zealand and abroad.
Dr Metawa is a dedicated, caring, family orientated man. He has a calm confident manner that instills confidence in all his patients and staff. He is a skilled and dedicated surgeon and has an excellent and caring professional team in his consulting rooms and in the Hospitals.
Dr Metawa provides the highest standard of care in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. In the Gosford practice he has the latest 3D ultrasound machine – used with each visit during pregnancy. These scans can be saved digitally and taken home.
Dr Metawa’s support team is a well established, they pride themselves on service and confidentiality, they are a friendly and caring group of women.
Our team is happy to assist you with any questions and concerns that may rise during your time with us. We always respond to you and your questions as a priority – even when we are not instantly available.
Dr Metawa and his team look forward to welcoming you to your next appointment.
Contact us if you have any questions or would like to make an appointment with Dr Metawa.